Inside the Box with JDM

A podcast about how successful innovators and startup founders think.


You're doing the business model canvas all wrong!

In this episode, JDM talks about why the business model canvas is a fantastic tool, but only if you use it correctly: not as a task, but as a process.


The business model canvas is a fantastic tool for innovators and entrepreneurs, but books, online courses, incubators, and even accelerators all commit a fundamental mistake when it comes to making proper use of it. They all treat the business model canvas as a documentation tool, but that completely misses the point.

In this episode, JDM talks about why the business model canvas is a fantastic tool, but only if you use it correctly: not as a task, but as a process.


Inside the Box with JDM is sponsored by The Right Box, a bespoke team of entrepreneurs and innovators who help startup founders find the quickest past to traction, or fail fast trying.
